Qurbani 2019

Qurbani for orphans and the poor

Qurbani is the act of offering sacrifice of an animal to Allah (swt) on Eid-al-Adha and is one of the obligatory acts of Hajj. All Muslim adults who are eligible to pay Zakat must make the sacrifice. Ideally, the meat should be divided in three equal parts… home, relative & friends, and the poor & needy.

Giving meat to the poor and needy as required when doing Qurbani spreads happiness so they may also enjoy the event, celebration and festivities of Eid-ul-Adha.

At UMWO, we recognise that many families living in poverty will not have the means to participate in Qurbani. With your help, we will distribute the meat for our orphans and their families. We always ensure that the meat is sourced locally, meaning that the benefit of your donation is not only felt by the families you’re supporting but their local communities too.

(Please note: a large animal is made up of 7 shares, therefore can be carried out for 7 different people. A standered cow price in Bangladesh is 50,000 BDT approx. )